Stitch a pretty cupcake decoration with this Daisy Topper embroidery design! These toppers go great with any Spring, ladybug, or flower themes! You may easily customize the colors of the daisy to match your theme. Simply stitch the toppers out and place a toothpick or candy stick into the open end and decorate your cakes or cupcakes as desired! Felt toppers are great alternatives to paper due to their hardiness and ability to last a long time. 


You will receive a single 4×4 hoop size of this design and a sorted sheet version for both 4×4 and 5×7 hoops! The 4×4 sorted sheet contains (2) daisy toppers and the 5×7 contains (5)!


The Daisy toppers formats included are:

  • HUS
  • PES
  • JEF
  • VIP
  • XXX
  • DST
  • EXP

An instructional PDF is included for the toppers with both the written steps AND a step-by-step image chart.

You may use the final product that comes from the design for both personal AND small commercial uses.